For Teachers
Absence Procedure
Please ensure you phone the school number before 6:45am if you are intending to be absent for the day as it is very difficult to book TRT’s after this time. If you know ahead of time that you are planning to be away for illness / family reason inform the TRT coordinator and complete the blue Absence from duties form. The earlier you call/give notice the better chance of TRT choices.
Send your lesson plans via email. You can obtain the ‘Relief Supervision’ slip from the Craigmore High School Website by clicking on ‘Teacher’s Page and download the Relief Supervision document. Complete the details on the slip and then email to the address below. If needing to set work please upload resources to your DayMap class.
School Phone: 8254 6522 – Select 2 – Record brief message on answering machine.
Answering machine available between 4:30pm to 6:45am daily.
Do not leave your lesson plan on the answering machine.
Download the ‘Relief Supervision document’ attached. Complete the details on the document and send it to the email address below. Please upload all set work resources to your DayMap class.