Disability Unit
Craigmore High School disability unit, known as the Banksia Unit, is a place of learning and development for up to 30 students with disabilities. It is situated on the mainstream campus of the school.
Our focus is to provide a nurturing, supportive and inclusive learning environment for our students and their families. We value the role of our families as integral partners in our students’ learning journey as they develop independence and prepare for post school life. Individualised programs have a strong focus on the development of the general capabilities, specifically literacy, numeracy and personal and social. Learning goals are developed in partnership with families through the negotiated education plan.
The Unit supports students with a range of special needs, including students with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). The Unit is a self-contained set of classrooms that are connected to the mainstream school, with a garden area that is enclosed. This space allows students to develop skills of interaction, boundary training and personal space within a safe space.
The Unit consists of three classrooms purpose built to cater for a range of complex learning and behavioral needs. Students in the Unit are grouped loosely by year levels, with flexibility for students to move into other learning spaces dependent upon individual needs. Students move as a class to specialist learning areas such as Art and Home Economics utilising the mainstream facilities and with the support of mainstream specialist teachers.
Staff from mainstream work hand in hand with staff in the Unit to provide enriched learning programs that allow students to feel engaged and included as part of the school community.
Entry and eligibility into the Disability Unit at Craigmore High School is determined externally through the Special Options Placement process. Please contact your current school to discuss eligibility as part of this process.