Students will develop skills in areas across the three content strands; Number and Algebra, Measurement and Geometry, and Statistics and Probability. Students learn to work mathematically, with different abilities catered for with extension opportunities and extra support.
Mathematics is compulsory from year 8 through to Stage 1 and is an elective subject for Stage 2 students.
From Stage 1 onwards, Mathematics is separated into Essential Maths, General Maths and Advanced Maths (Specialist and Methods) to enable students to have a choice in the type of Mathematics they would like to study depending on their future pathways.
At Stage 2 there are SACE board prerequisites.
For Stage 2 Mathematical Methods students must have successfully completed at least 2 semesters of pre-mathematical methods at Stage 1.
For Stage 2 Specialist Mathematics students must have successfully completed at least 3 semesters worth of mathematics – 2 semesters of pre-mathematical methods and at least 1 semester of pre-specialist mathematics in Stage 1.

Yearly participation in the NASSSA Maths Olympics.