Craigmore High School

Principal’s Welcome

Welcome to Craigmore High School, a contemporary learning community with a clear focus on students and their learning. We have a strong commitment to the continuous development of culture and teaching and learning practices that enable each student to realise their academic and personal potential.

Genuine student voice in learning is a core focus at Craigmore High School. Our school values of respect, creativity and success were strategically chosen by the 2017 Craigmore High School student cohort and, along with our vision statement:

‘To inspire and empower our community to prosper through innovation’

which guide the development of our policies, practices and curriculum.

Over recent years, learning and the way students learn, has moved to centre stage and for very good reason. Automation, globalisation and flexibility are transforming the way we work and play and this has implications for the learning environment that students will transition from. The world students will be entering is vastly different to that of the last generation. At Craigmore High School we have taken this thinking on board and work to:

  • Provide educational opportunities which support students to develop the capabilities needed for a world of change, opportunity and uncertainty
  • Strive for excellence in all that we do
  • Support students to access their preferred educational and vocational pathways
  • Actively enhance the life of our community

In developing and maintaining strong relationships with our partnership primary schools and families we ensure our transitional programs are personalised and supportive of each students’ needs.

We offer a broad curriculum including:

  • Choice of elective subjects in the middle years (years 8-10)
  • Literacy and Numeracy support
  • Full SACE program including pre-requisites for specific university courses
  • A range of Vocational Education and Training courses at a regional and local site level
  • Soccer academy aligned with the Australian Curriculum and SACE
  • A range of extra-curricular activities including STEM club and Pedal Prix
  • Craigmore Alternative Learning and Mentoring program (CALM)

At Craigmore High School we have a strong commitment to continuous improvement and invite you to browse our website.

Latest from 2025